About Us
About Us
With electric urban mobility vehicles and clean-energy appliances designed for the great outdoors, Gearscoot wants to help you discover more sustainable and active ways to get around the city.
Our Vision
We created Gearscoot so that you can make the most out of your daily routine, with clean energy urban transportation and by adopting a more outdoorsy lifestyle.
Our Vision
We created Gearscoot so that you can make the most out of your daily routine, with clean energy urban transportation and by adopting a more outdoorsy lifestyle.
Our Mission
Gearscoot was born from a simple idea: bringing people together. Both indoors and out, our solar-powered gadgets and clean appliances help you connect with others, whether it’s old friends or new faces.
At GearScoot, we ensure your privacy and on-line shopping data security. We are secured by a VeriSign 256 bits SSL authentication to guarantee that your personal information is encoded and secure when you communicate with us. All billing information is processed by PayPal.com, the most widely used and trusted payment gateway in the world today.