Sharing the latest trends and news
on eco-friendly tech
SION Solar Car Review

Most people reading this review may already be familiar with the Tesla, Elon Musk’s baby which as of late has run into numerous issues. While for some electric cars are the future, for others it is ...
Sit Down Electric Scooter Sharing Company to Launch in Texas

Texas is already home to thousands of electric scooters, many of them is a sit down electric scooter, while others are kick scooters. The sidewalks of any given Central Texas city is crowded with ...
Go for These Adult Electric Scooters This Year!

In search of a compilation of top-ranked adult electric scooters? Worry less, you’re not in the wrong place. Nevertheless, before attempting to purchase a scooter, various factors have to be ...
$0 Down Home Solar Installation

Find out if you QUALIFY for a US Solar Savings Program Click on the green button APPLY HERE and complete a short form to Find Out How Much You Can Save on Your Electric Bill. Solar ...
Buying the Right Solar Panels for Your Needs

Buying the Right Solar Panels for Your Needs It’s no secret that solar energy is one of the most accessible and cost-effective forms of renewable energy available. It’s taken center stage in the ...
How Much Solar Panels Cost

How Much Do Solar Panels Cost For a Home Everyone considering a home solar installation takes quite some time considering the cost aspect of the project. This is important because it touches on ...
The Solar Power Installation Process

The Solar Power Installation Process Solar power has become more and more popular with people all over the world. This has been especially apparent with the overwhelming evidence of global warming. ...
5 Important Safety Tips For Electric Scooters

5 Important Safety Tips For Electric Scooters Electric scooters normally come with detachable seats, chain drives, shocks on both ends, a waterproof control box, front and back disc breaks, and an ...
Eco Friendly Additions to Your Life

Eco Friendly Additions to Your Life The environment has become a hot topic lately, especially with the rising temperatures caused by the global warming phenomena. We’re finally starting to come ...
Choosing the Best Hoverboard for You

Choosing the Best Hoverboard for You As we near the holiday season, we’re seeing more and more choices for hoverboards and other popular products. The board is still fairly new on the transportation ...
Unicycle Cost

Price for Unicycle can vary a lot between models and sale channels. The price also depends on battery capacity, range, speed, finishing, and security of unicycle. Unicycle Cost in US In ...
Home Solar System Cost

Is A Home Solar System Worth It? If you are considering installing a home solar system but have your doubts, you are not alone. Since this is a sustainable energy source that can also offer ...
Discount Solar Panels

Tips To Get the Best Solar Panel Deals Are you looking to cash in on renewable energy this year? No doubt, when you install discount solar panels, you can start paying less energy bill and ...
Powering a House With Solar Panels

Solar Panel Maintenance and Care: Maximize Output Once you have done all the hard work and the solar energy system is in order, it is very easy to forget about the solar panels. While the solar ...
How Much Does One Solar Panel Cost

Make Your Solar Panel Installation Easy and Sound There has never been a better time to go solar, considering the attractive incentives and credits, and the ever-falling solar panel prices. ...
How Much are Solar Panels for a House

Why You Need To Think Twice Before Going DIY (Do It Yourself) Solar Often, solar installers receive calls about failed DIY solar installation projects. Do it yourself is not a bad idea as long as ...
Solar Panel Rebate

How Do Solar Panel Rebates and Tax Credits Work? Solar energy has ballooned in the United States in recent years. The Solar Energy Industries Association estimates that the installed capacity can ...
Cost of Solar Panels per Square Foot

The Reducing Cost of Solar Panel Installation Homeowners are constantly looking for home improvement options. It could be renovation, landscaping, or even a switch to greener energy. The ...
How Much Do Solar Panels Cost In Your State

How Much Do Solar Panels Cost In Your State In 2016, the solar industry in the United States reached a remarkable milestone- the millionth system was installed. To add to this excitement, experts ...
Solar Panel Setup

How to Install a Solar Panel Nowadays, many people are installing solar panels on their homes. In 2017, installation grew by a whopping 50% globally, thanks to markets in China and the US. There are ...